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"Years ago, I had a high end design client that had the best taste in fabrics and finishes.  However, she had an English Bulldog named Malcolm who would not stop marking and destroying her furnishings and floors.  Malcolm was banished to the garage (he ate the bumper), the deck (he ate the siding), and finally placed in a crate in the basement. He was miserable.  The frustrated client was about to take Malcolm to the Humane Society and I insisted on taking him home.    


Malcolm made me realize that many pets lose their homes because of pet accidents and damage to furnishings and flooring.  Malcolm was my inspiration to create beautiful floors and cleaning products for pets.  After years of development, I couldn’t be more proud of the Pet Decorator® floors and our cleaning, protecting and deodorizing products.  I also continue to provide interior design services especially for homes with pets.


Our newest pet friendly product is our genuine hardwood floors.  I believe there isn’t a more beautiful, pet accident and scratch resistant wood floor available anywhere.  There are no bad pets, just bad floors™.


My hope is that PET DECORATOR® floors and cleaning and protection products will help pets keep their forever homes." 

~ Tami Michaels

Your pet is our customer™


Our Founder, Malcom

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